After that, a bonnet-less Bo fixes the light bulb secretly as her sheep comfort her. The consequence of the girls' using the wrong light bulb causes it to short circuit one night and explode, causing Bo's pink bonnet to catch on fire. Bo then admits the hardest challenge was hazardous working conditions. With the bulb broken, the girls secretly fix it but use the wrong kind of lightbulb. One rainy day, however, the girls are playing catch with Billy, Goat, and Gruff when one of them steps onto the nightstand to catch them, causing a space ship to collide with the lamp and fall. Eventually, they made their way back to the nightstand, where they still tried to sneak in playtime by sneaking themselves in between the sisters' toys.

Soon, the girl gets a baby sister, which causes two little girls now to scream during the night.

This led to the crook being taped up and having the lamp placed high on top of the shelf. One day, the girl pulls the lamp's cord in order to reach Bo and her sheep, but this causes the lamp to fall and the top of Bo's crook to snap (but it doesn't stop the girl from teething on the broken piece). She admits the thing about babies is that they can love you too much. They had to deal with the girl's screaming tantrums at night, due to the father believing he and his wife had to let the baby cry it out, and Bo and her sheep would often block it out by hiding in the drawer. But overall, Bo says life on a lamp wasn't exciting. But unlike Andy and Molly's mother, this little girl's mother prevents her from playing with them due to them being fragile, much to their annoyance. As the baby grows into a toddler, she soon begins to play with Bo and the sheep on rainy days, for sleepovers, and for fairy tales. She admits they had nice moments, or at least in the perspective of a lamp, such as turning the lamp on while the baby and her mother sleep. Shortly after they left the Davis household, Bo and her sheep were given to a new family with a newborn baby, who, like Molly, loved them dearly. Bo asks the sheep if they miss the lamp, but they bleat in unenthusiasm, causing them all to chuckle. He asks what happened all that time and if they missed the lamp. As they rest at the middle of the wheel, Giggle suggests Bo tell her story, to which Woody agrees. Woody confirms and Giggle laughs, saying that's nothing compared to Bo's story. Bo says that's quite the adventure while Giggle asks Woody if she's getting this straight: Woody gets saved by a Claw, given away by Andy to Bonnie, and a fork suddenly brings him to Bo.

Some time after the events of the fourth film, Bo, Woody, Giggle, and the sheep are climbing the Ferris Wheel as Woody finishes his backstory with how he and Forky saw Bo's lamp at the antique store.