And, the irony of predicting the future with this film is mind boggling. My aunt introduced me to this film, and it quickly became one of my all time favorite films. Wow this movie was really good!! It sadly wasn’t free on Amazon prime for me I needed to rent the movie which is okay, totally worth it! I am actually kinda disappointed when Simon dies, I feel like if he had survived some how and managed to release some of those criminals into society it could have been a interesting comic. The three sea shells thing has actually been debated ever since this movie came out in terms of "technique" lol. This is one of those over the top action comedies that they dont really make any more which is a shame. Thank you for letting us join you in seeing it. Sandra Bullock and her adorable way of mis speaking catch phrases was so funny. He and Wesley trading insults is hilarious. His unending stream of one liners is historic.Stallone was great as John Spartan. Wesley Snipes was incredible and one of my favorite villians. I detect that you would not do well in this society.the outlawed choclate AND Anything Spicy😲.

This was so freaking fun to watch with you.